Anyway, we went to the Haus of Yarn in Nashville. I really like this yarn shop and prefer it over the other big shop in Nashville. I found lots of cool stuff, but restrained myself as much as possible. I found this at the shop, and I ask you, is this not a cool way to advertise? Yeah, that's an emery board and it's got all sorts of yarn on one side and this on the other! I just think it's too damn cool!

And I found this really cool new to me yarn: Jitterbug by Colinette in Charcoal - this stuff is to die for and I can't wait to start my next pair of socks
- speaking of current socks, here are my Mermaid sock(s) in progress: I took them off the magic loop to do the heel and now I just kept going - I think I am liking ML less and less and the two circulars more and more. What do you all do?
How cool!!!! Your sister is visiting, you got to go to an awesome yarn store together and she knits!!!! Can it get any better? That yarn looks scrumptous. I can't wait to see it. I use the dpns for my sock. I am either easily confused or I'm chicken, not sure which.
have fun with your sister!
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