But inside it's so delightful! Got my dh to finally put the air conditioning up a bit (one whole degree) but it has made a huge difference in my life! I normally freeze and I know it is due to my sedentary nature, I work as an accountant and my hobbies are knitting and spinning! Not a whole lot a dancing being done there! But dancing was being done when I finally uploaded the Office 2004 for Mac's on this baby. Now I have a good e-mail program and I may possibly be able to find Money for it too. . . oh, I will dance on the roof top!
Got a few things done this week, I finished the B4 Bag, and since it came out like poo, I have decided not to add the buttons and to do this one more time - my first row of bobbles didn't really bobble out and it really looks crappy. I just can't give this to someone as a gift, it would embarrass the heck out of me:

See the dark holes where there should be nice big bobbles like up top? Darn it! Well, I am sure I have more yarn to do this again. And speaking of more yarn, look at the swatch I made for Beadwork, by Jade Starmore:

And this is another view:

I am getting approximately 8.5" to the inch on 3.25 mm needles using Merino Bamboo sock yarn no less. I love the shine and the stitch definition, I wanted to dye this light blue, but the yarn came out a very definite denim color which is not at all what I was looking for, so, I decided to stay put with the cream.
Mr. Fix It got my wheel to run without the chatter, although all possibilities were not tested, as we ended up changing the whorl, and all lubricants were wiped off the bobbin and shaft. The chatter stopped, so, I was happy and finished up spinning bobbin #1 of BloodyGuts - It really needs a prettier name though! Here is the bobbin:

So, I've decided to give one of the denim skeins away to the person that comes up with the best name for this color! I will let my very literary daughter, Caryn make all final decisions so that the judging will be totally neutral!
Here is a picture of two of the denim skeins (only one will be given away, though) this is superwash merino bamboo (60% Merino, 30% Bamboo and 10% Nylon), 400 yards in a skein.

PS: Do you like the change in template? I was thinking it was getting hard to read on the other one - See ya! June
Bummer about the bag!! I hate it when you invest time in something like that and then it doesn't turn out the way you want it to!! I feel for you.
Your knitting swatch looks lovely. The cream really shows off the stitch pattern well.
I think you should name your yarn rocky mountain sunset. I have seen those same colors when we visited Colorado Springs, years back.
Knit on through all crisis!
From here the bag looks great!!!!! The swatch is beautiful. Like you, I love the sheen. As far as Bloodyguts, what about Painted Desert, have a look at this: http://students.ou.edu/J/Christopher.S.Johnson-1/painted-desert.jpg
I don't see a problem with the bag - I can see all the bobbles and it looks great. The Beadwork swatch looks great too. Nice stitch definition and the sheen is lovely. The handpun is very pretty. The colour reminds me of pansies, not blood & guts.
I can't see anything wrong with the bag, at all. And, like the looks of the Beadwork swatch, too. I think your handspun looks like Heather Morning--very pretty, not blook and guts, at all.
The swatch is beautiful. And you can always sew some beads on your holes, or make some little knitted flowers and cover them up.
I am having fun with Luna, but I want to get home so I can continue with Lyra, which is wonderful!
blueberry fool?
your swatchies are lovely!
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