You know, it's sock knitting. Not rocket science, not brain surgery, nothing all that earth shattering, but it has gotten under my skin and turned into quite the chigger! (A very nasty itchy bug in these parts.) I tried and tried to make my Jaywalkers look nice. I like a shortrow heel, and thought to myself that a toe up try was in order, since I had never made a sock that way before. Well! Never again! Here are my socks on:

Do you perhaps see anything odd? They do indeed look mighty funny off the foot, kinda all folded in on themselves, but on they looked ok I think. But, that is not the only thing about these that just didn't go right. Look at my left leg above, do you see it? Well, maybe that is too far to see, look here:

Can you see it now? These two balls of yarn were the same color and dyelot. But, oh baby, they are not the same at all and it is very, very noticeable when you have them in your hands. I was so disgusted, I didn't even measure all that accurately and now this one is slightly shorter than the other one. Oh good. What a great job I did with these!
So, what do I do? Start another pair of socks, of course!:

These are coming out great! I have a small error in my set up row, I was working from written instructions rather than the chart, I didn't see the chart until I got home and had five rows of the pattern done, but I declare that small error to be on the back side, and no one else would probably see it. Do you see it? So, now I am on my way. These are Yogo Socks from Woolen Collectibles, an old pattern I got a long time ago. They are a lot of fun, and now that I have the pattern down, they are moving right along. See? I can sort of knit socks! Yeah!

This color is Mountain Colors Bearfoot Wild Raspberry and it is gorgeous. It took about 45 pictures to get this right. I finally went outside, as you can see to get the color right! Sorry about the errant white cat hair, you know who is always with me, dontcha know!

Caryn and I are on our way to Maine next weekend (Yeah!) so no post next weekend or the weekend after as we will be on our way back to Kentucky. Drought ridden, Kentucky. We are losing our pasture that we have worked so hard to get in. It just hurts, and I can't imagine how the farmer's around here feel. We have lost 80% of the wheat crops and 100% of the fruit crops. We have been declared a natural disaster zone, and they will be able to get some compensation. I have no idea what we will do . . .
Anyway, I will talk to you all again in two weeks! Oh the joys of packing - what to bring for projects? I have four or five lined up, maybe I'll just bring more socks. :) Take Care everyone!